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Kairos Achievement Award

This award recognizes individuals who have seized a significant Kairos moment in their lives or careers, demonstrating courage, resilience, and initiative in pursuing their goals.


Criteria for the "Kairos Achievement Award":

1. Demonstrated Seizure of Kairos Moment: Candidates must have identified and seized a significant Kairos moment in their lives, ministry, or careers. This could include making a pivotal decision, overcoming a major obstacle, or achieving a significant milestone that aligns with their personal or professional goals.

2. Courage and Resilience:  Candidates must have demonstrated courage and resilience in facing challenges or adversity. This could include taking bold risks, stepping out of their comfort zone, or persevering through difficult circumstances with determination and grace.

3. Initiative and Proactivity:  Candidates must have shown initiative and proactivity in pursuing their goals and dreams. This could include taking proactive steps to create opportunities, innovate solutions, or lead positive change in their communities or industries.

4. Impact and Inspiration:  Candidates must have made a meaningful impact through their actions and inspired others with their example. This could include empowering others, fostering collaboration, or making a difference in the lives of those around them through their leadership and service.

Honor recipients at Luncheon.

The Kairos Achievement Award!

Do you know someone, perhaps even in ministry, who has seized a significant Kairos moment in their life or career, demonstrating unparalleled courage, resilience, and initiative in pursuing their goals?  It's time to celebrate their remarkable achievements and acknowledge their inspiring journey with the prestigious Kairos Achievement Award!


The Kairos Achievement Award is dedicated to honoring individuals who have:

  • Displayed unwavering courage in seizing pivotal moments in their lives or ministries.

  • Exhibited remarkable resilience in overcoming challenges and adversity.

  • Taken proactive steps to pursue their divine calling and make a positive impact.

  • Inspired others with their actions and empowered communities through their ministry.

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